Japanese language settings for iOS

1. Check that there is Japanese keyboard, either Kana or Romaji, in Settings / General / Keyboard / Keyboards.

2. Confirm that Automatic or U.S. is selected for the Japanese keyboard in Settings / General / Keyboard / Hardware Keyboard.

3. The Japanese language code is 6 4, where the mnemonic is J A with the Rivo alphabet layout.

4. The language at L3 can be any Roman alphabet language. The initial factory setting is English.

5. The language at L4 can be any language. The initial factory setting is none.

6. The Japanese language can be set at L4.

7. To set the Japanese language at L4, press L3 + L1, L4, 6, 6, 4.

8. To unset the language at L4, press L3 + L1, L4, R1.

9. Roman alphabet letters and common keyboard symbols are as in Rivo alphabet layout and Rivo symbols.

10. Letters in Japanese are assigned to each number button as follows:

1あ, い, う, え, お
2か, き, く, け, こ
3さ, し, す, せ, そ
4た, ち, つ, て, と
5な, に, ぬ, ね, の
6は, ひ, ふ, へ, ほ
7ま, み, む, め, も
8や, ゆ, よ
9ら, り, る, れ, ろ
0わ, を, ん

11. Additional symbols can be typed in the symbol mode as follows:

R2 + 5
R2 + 7
R2 + 9
R2 + *
R2 + 0
¥R2 + L1, 2

12. Typing Japanese needs additional rules as follows:

12.1. To set Rivo to type Japanese hiragana, press L4.

12.2. If the current keyboard of iPhone is not Japanese, press L4 or L3 + L4 repeatedly until Japanese is selected.

12.3. To type a letter in a button, press the button repeatedly until the right letter is typed.

12.4. To change the current hiragana letter into its small letter, dakuten or handakuten, press L2.

13. After typing a Japanese Hiragana letter or word, press the followings repeatedly to select its Kanji version:

13.1. To select the next candidate, press #.

13.2. To select the previous candidate, press R2 + #.

13.3. To select a candidate in backward or forward direction, press R2 + 4 or R2 + 6.

13.4. To select a candidate in the previous or the next line in candidate table, press R2 + 2 or R2 + 8.

13.5. To move the cursor within the current input word while typing, press R2 + 1 or R2 + 3.

13.6. To confirm the current selection, press R3.

13.7. To type Hiragana letters without selecting its Kanji version, press R3 right after typing Hiragana.